Antje Moldner-Schmid...

When Antje Moldner-Schmidt stood with a gold medal hung around her neck, few would have predicted such success after the German athlete was diagnosed with lymph gland cancer in 2010.  The tears flowed during the German anthem and predictably so. Journey to the Podium The 30-year-old German,...

The Frozen Sea

The Frozen Sea when I walk by the sea, I do expect to see waves and waves and waves not solid mass of frozen foam where am I, that I see such harshness to my eye I could adapt I see and find enjoyment yes I shall by a little one

Misty Copeland

It was with great interest that I stumbled upon Misty Copeland, a ballerina with the American Ballet Theatre. The road that Misty Copeland has taken, has been a long and somewhat difficult journey. Born to Sylvia DelaCerna in Kansas City, Missouri in September 10, 1982. Her mother, had been a...

Life’s Journey May09

Life’s Journey

Life’s Journey – We travel a road that has been chartered however it has to be walked by you and at times alone As we journey through our lives, We all take separate paths. Sometimes they’re filled with sorrow, Other times they’re full of laughs. There’s no exact destination, We...


HOPE * BELIEF * COURAGE this has been my ‘mantra’ since December .. I breathe in on the word Hope,  in my mind. Then breathe out on Belief, breathe in on Courage, and I continue through the words. Hope on the 2nd occasion is breathing out, then in on Belief. This is normally a...

Intuition: A Moment in Life Jan25

Intuition: A Moment ...

Intuition: A Moment in Life that can make a difference On my way to work, I change buses at Archway. The bus-stop is just around a tricky corner with the pedestrian stop about 50 metres down the road from the bus-stop. Tuesday was a beautiful evening; cold but with crisp skies and although I...