Dylan Tombides’...

West Ham United announce the sad news that forward Dylan Tombides has passed away at the age of 20 following his brave battle with cancer. Dylan passed away on Friday morning with his family by his side having courageously fought the disease for three years after initially being diagnosed...

Tribute to Nelson Ma...

Former South African President Nelson Mandela (18 July 1918 – 5 December 2013) will be remembered not only as a man whose achievements came at great personal cost and suffering to his family, but also as an icon whose sacrifice made the world a better place. As a tribute to Mandela’s immense...

Amputee Soldier In His Motorsport Bid Sep29

Amputee Soldier In H...

Inspired by the story of former soldier Davie Birrell in the want2race driver competition earlier this year, the competition’s organisers and Ginetta have put the double below knee amputee through his ARDS Test, and donated an official Ginetta race suit in order to help him achieve his...